Friday, October 11, 2013

Meditation with a pen in my hand

I wag a spare finger at myself while lying with my feet up on the settee, multi tasking with one eye on the TV and two fingers and my second eye on the iPad

Write a blog post, write a blog post...

...then out of the blue (mmm ipad) the title swung in and hit me right between the eyes as I re-tweeted a brilliant article I came across from the Huffington Post on how to use writing as a meditation practice.  Take a look and give it a try:

Writing for Meditation

The author Jane Brunette describes the use of mindfulness by starting with 21 calm deep breaths as preparation for writing whatever comes into your head for the next ten minutes using the prompt 

Right Now...

Jane then advises the writer to stop and read it back out loud without criticism or question...

then go over it again and underline sentences or bits that strike or intrigue you in some way...suggesting the writer can use those areas to prompt further writing next time...

read the article in full to get the benefits Jane describes...

Writing for Meditation

This made me reflect on why I write, well scribble really. In the beginning It met an instinctive need to get the trauma of my tumour and not being able to walk, epilepsy (yeah yeah yawn, we know) onto paper and out of my head. It worked. I felt my head instantly lighten whenever my pen scratched paper...

I shall try this ten minute technique who knows what will spring out from my spongy brain and slippers...more blogs at least!

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